Anne is known around the world for writing The Giraffe: It’s Biology, Behaviour and Ecology, which is highly considered to be the “Bible” of giraffes. She has been a prolific writer throughout her life and has covered such topics as animals, ecology, locomotion and feminism. This is her complete list of books - links are included for books in print. If you are interested in one of her titles that is out of print, you can contact mary@anneinnisdaggfoundation.org to obtain a hard copy. They may also be available at your local college, university or community library.
2021 Chilkoot Challenge
Otter Press.
2020 Mary Quayle Innis: The Woman Who Inspired Me
Otter Press.
2016 Smitten by Giraffe: My Life as a Citizen Scientist
McGill-Queen’s University Press.
2016 5 Giraffes.
Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside.
2014 Giraffe: Biology, Behaviour and Conservation
UK: Cambridge University Press. 247 pp.
2012 Human Evolution and Male Aggression
Amherst, NY: Cambria Press. With Lee Harding. 257 pp.
2011 Animal Friendships
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
2009 The Social Behavior of Older Animals
Baltimore, MA: Johns Hopkins University Press, 225 pp.
2006 Pursuing Giraffe: A 1950s Adventure
Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. 282 pp.
2005 "Love Of Shopping" Is Not A Gene: Problems With Darwinian
Montreal: Black Rose Press. 225 pp.
2001 The Feminine Gaze:
A Canadian Compendium of Non-Fiction Women Authors
and Their Books, 1836-1945
Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. 346 pp.
1994 User-Friendly University: What Every Student Should Know.
Waterloo, ON: Otter Press. 76 pp.
1991 Women’s Experience, Women’s Education – An Anthology.
Waterloo, ON: Otter Press.
1988 MisEducation: Women and Canadian Universities.
Toronto: OISE Press. With Patricia J. Thompson. 135 pp.
1986 The Fifty Per Cent Solution: Why Should Women Pay for Men's
Waterloo, ON: Otter Press. 300 pp.
1986 Tangalooma and Moreton Island: History and
Natural History.
Tangalooma Resorts, Moreton Island, Qld., Australia. 58 pp.
1983 Harems and Other Horrors: Sexual Bias in Behavioral Biology.
Waterloo, ON: Otter Press. 130 pp.
1981 A Reference Book of Urban Ecology.
Waterloo, ON: Otter Press. 196 pp.
1981 The Camel: its Ecology, Behavior and Relationship with Man.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press. With H. Gauthier-Pilters.
208 pp.
1980. 76 Terrific Books About Women.
Waterloo, ON: Otter Press.
1978 Camel Quest - Research on the Saharan Camel.
Toronto: York Publishing. 150 pp.
1977 Wildlife Management in Europe.
Waterloo, ON: Otter Press. 350 pp.
1977 Running, Walking and Jumping - the Science of Locomotion.
London: Wykeham Science Series, Taylor and Francis Group.
144 pp.
1976 The Giraffe: its Biology, Behavior and Ecology.
New York: 1977. Van Nostrand Reinhold. With J. B. Foster. 210 pp.
1974 Canadian Wildlife and Man.
Toronto: McClelland and Stewart. 192 pp.
1974 Mammals of Ontario.
Waterloo, ON: Otter Press. 160 pp.
1972 Mammals of Waterloo and South Wellington Counties.
Waterloo, ON: Otter Press. With C. A. Campbell. 130 pp.
Books About Anne
2022 Anne and Her Tower of Giraffes by Karlin Gray
This inspiring picture book biography by Karlin Gray is based on the true story of Dr. Anne Innis Dagg, the pioneering female scientist who was the world's first giraffologist and the first scientist to study wild animal behavior in Africa (four years before Jane Goodall!). Aparna Varma's expressive art evocatively brings the story to life.
Published: September 6, 2022. Kids Can Press. Ages: 4-8. Format: hard cover with jacket
2022 L’Amica Delle Giraffe: Anne Innis Dagg si racconta (Italian)
by Arianna Di Genova
Il racconto in prima persona dell’avventurosa vita di Anne Innis Dagg, che sfidando le convenzioni dell’epoca e trascorrendo lunghi periodi di ricerca in Africa ha studiato, come mai nessuno prima, le giraffe nel loro habitat naturale. (The first-person account of the adventurous life of Anne Innis Dagg, who, challenging the conventions of the time and spending long periods of research in Africa, studied, like no one before, giraffes in their natural habitat.)
Published: May 2022. Editoriale Scienza. Ages: 11+. Format: hard cover
2021 The Girl Who Loved Giraffes by Kathy Stinson
Author Kathy Stinson and illustrator François Thisdale have captured the dramatic story of Anne's life, the majestic beauty of giraffes, and fascinating facts about this most intriguing and magnificent creature.
Published: June 15, 2021. Fitzhenry & Whiteside. Ages: All ages. Format: hard cover picture book
2020 Protectors of the Planet by Jamie Bastedo
This book shines an inspiring and entertaining light on the lives of daring, dedicated individuals whose great passion, talents, and heart are helping to tip the environmental balance away from destruction and collapse towards hope, healing and personal empowerment.
Published: August 14, 2020. Fitzhenry & Whiteside. Ages: 12-16. Format: paperback