Anne’s exhibit, titled: Musings of a Scientist, Feminist, Activist, was most recently at Wilfrid Laurier University from October 2023 - March 2024 in the Science Building (third floor).
Drawing on Anne’s own life experiences, the exhibit featured eight of Anne’s thought-provoking poems along with her personal artifacts. Anne’s goal for the exhibit is to generate discussion about the obstacles women have faced in the past and those that are still faced today.
This travelling exhibit made its debut at Innis College (Spring of 2022), followed by the University of Waterloo (August-November 2022). A discussion, Gender Discrimination in Academia Past to Present: Conversation with Anne Dagg concluded the exhibit at the University of Waterloo. The University of Guelph was the exhibit’s next stop (January-July 2023), which included a special event on International Women’s Day on March 8, 2023.
Anne’s e-book, Perspectives: Writings on Gender Roles, Stages of Life and Reflections, includes her poems, letters and thoughts on gender roles, stages of life and reflections through the years. Proceeds from the sales of this book will benefit CAGIS (Canadian Association of Girls in Science).
Photo of Anne (left) and first two photos (below) by Corina McDonald, U of W.